Featuring the work of Josh Atlas, Strauss Bourque-LaFrance, Rochele Gomez, Mirena Kim, Allison Miller, Pau S. Pescador, and Jenny Rask.
May 20 - June 24, 2023
Please contact here for inquiries.
Tyler Park Presents is pleased to announce Potpourri, a group exhibition featuring the work of Josh Atlas, Strauss Bourque-LaFrance, Rochele Gomez, Mirena Kim, Allison Miller, Pau S. Pescador, and Jenny Rask. The exhibition will be on view from Saturday, May 20 through June 24, 2023.
The title Potpourri may evoke thoughts of fragrant mixtures, maybe in a bowl found in your grandmother's living room, but Potpourri, the exhibition, is not interested in scent. Instead, it is a response to the idea of a varied collection of materials and forms, a mixture or melody, brought together to create a cohesive whole.
The works in this exhibition share a destructive and generative approach to making that creates a conversation between abstraction and collage. Compositions of shape, color, and form that exist with a degree of independence from the original visual references. Layers are added or removed, either to be discarded or re-incorporated. Such as Josh Atlas’ Untitled that is created by sanding down the existing layers of paint and drywall paper then built up by rubbing layers of waxed oil paint into the exposed gypsum or Secret in the Woods by Strauss Bourque-LaFrance composed with pieces of repurposed paintings applied over gestures of acrylic, tea, and graphite. There is a nod towards domestic materials that are given new life and new context in the works throughout the exhibition: egg shells in Jenny Rask’s Soft Landing, painted weekly Vons grocery store mail flyers by Rochele Gomez, and jeans worn by Mirena Kim’s family in The Strain.
Through various mediums and artists of varied practices, Potpourri evokes a potpourri. Maybe not with a slice of an orange, rose petals, a strand of vanilla bean, some lemon zest, thyme, and wood shavings, but something else.
Allison Miller
Table, 2022-2023
Oil, acrylic, paper and fabric on canvas
30 x 40 x 1.5 inches (76.2 x 101.6 x 3.81 cm)
Rochele Gomez
Painting With Mirrors, 2019
Acrylic, acryla-gouache, flashe, marker on Vons newsprint ad mounted on paper
22.875 x 29.75 inches (58.102 x 75.56 cm)
Pau S. Pescador
Remake (3), 2018
Photographic collage
21.5 x 15.5 x 1.5 inches (54.61 x 39.37 x 3.81 cm)
Strauss Bourque - LaFrance
Pausing in Oz, 2023
Flashe, acrylic, collaged canvas, adhesives
24 x 20 x 1.5 inches (60.96 x 50.8 x 3.81 cm)
Jenny Rask
Soft Landing, 2022
Photo print on poly blend fabric, poly fill, cotton, wood, eggshells, acrylic, dryer lint
46 x 25 x 6 inches (116.84 x 63.5 x 15.24 cm)
Rochele Gomez
My Window, 2019
Acrylic, acryla-gouache, flashe, marker on Vons newsprint ad mounted on paper
21 x 17.875 inches (53.34 x 45.40 cm)
Mirena Kim
The Strain, 2019
Latex foam, worn denim jeans, glaze sieves
33 inches diameter, 3 inches thickness. (83.82 x 7.62 cm)
Detail, The Strain
Detail, The Strain
Strauss Bourque - LaFrance
Secret in the Woods, 2023
Flashe, acrylic, tea, graphite, collaged canvas, adhesives, polished aluminum artist frame
14 x 13 x 1.5 inches (35.56 x 33.02 x 3.81 cm)
Josh Atlas
Untitled, 2023
Oil, wax, and alkyd on drywall
19.25 x 19.031 inches (48.89 x 48.338 cm)
Detail, Untitled
Detail, Untitled